Save of the Month! August 2012

Welcome to a new addition to the TOKC blog! Each month we are going to recognize a resident who went above and beyond to make a great save in the ED. We are soliciting nominations from the faculty each block and will pick one resident for recognition and embarrassment on this blog.

This edition’s Save of the Month goes to. . . Dr. Jay Melton!

Here’s the story:

A dialysis patient was triaged last night to Suite A with “back pain”.  The patient had resting tachycardia and developed hypotension.  Jay recognized that the patient was not the typical back pain patient and began resuscitation (including venous access, APPROPRIATE fluid bolus under pressure, antibiosis, bedside US) in Suite A.  Our impression was that he has severe sepsis/septic shock.  There was chaos as usual in CCT, so he elegantly continued the resuscitation after transfer including a smooth ET intubation and then sedation/mechanical ventilation.


Congrats Jay!

The views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not reflect the views of their employer. Please read our full disclaimer here. Any references to clinical cases refer to patients treated at a virtual hospital, Janus General Hospital.
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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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