Morning Report: 9/6/2013

Thanks to Dr. Bradby for today’s Morning Report!


Stroke in Sickle Cell Disease

Neurological and Hematological Emergency

  • 24% of sickle cell disease patients have a stroke by the age of 45 years
    • these people have an increased risk of secondary stroke 2-3 years after initial CVA (recurrence rate of 66%)
  • Ischemic variant – 54% of all CVAs is highest during the first decade of life and after age 30
    • In the 20s – hemorrhagic CVA is most predominant
  • 10-30% of SCD patients have “silent strokes”
    • Radiologic findings consistent with diffuse white matter disease
    • Associated with cognitive deficiencies



  • Hydroxyurea
  • Chronic transfusion with goal of maintain HbS <30% (STOP 1, 2 trials – Optimizing Primary Stroke Prevention in Sickle Cell Anemia)


  • Head CT, Stroke Labs, Consults
  • Treatment:  EXCHANGE Transfusion; no place for tPA in these patients
  • Consults:  Neurology, Hematology, MICU, Renal (for Shiley placement)
  • Call blood back – need 8-10 units for exchange transfusion
  • Call NY Blood Blank and ask to initiate exchange transfusion – this can take several hours
  • Place Central Line – need a large bore femoral line for exchange (ex. Shiley)
    • This is where your renal consult comes in if necessary



  • Luis A. Verduzco and David G Nathan.  Sickle Cell Disease and Stroke.  Blood. December 10, 2009. Vol. 114, no 25, p5117-5125.
  • Switzer JA, Hess DC, Nichols FT, Adams RJ. Pathophysiology and treatment of stroke in sickle-cell disease: present and future. Lancet Neurol. 2006 Jun;5(6):501-12. Review. PubMed PMID: 16713922.
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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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