Morning Report: 10/10/2013

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Freedman!


Troponin-emia 101                 



  • Compromised of three subunits:  T, I, and C
    • Both T and I subunits are highly-specific for cardiac tissue
  • Since 1995, has emerged as the cardiac biomarker of choice
    • Cardiac Specificity
    • Predictable time course
      • Rises above 99th percentile within 4-8 hours and remains elevated for days
  • In 2009, the first high-sensitivity troponin assays were reported.
    • Improved sensitivity = impaired specificity


“The Third Universal Definition of Acute Myocardial Infarction”

Some Definitions

  • Ischemia
  • Infarction
  • ACS


99th percentile + 1 of the following

  • EKG change
  • Nuclear imaging defect
  • Angiographic “culprit”


AMI Type 1-5

  • Atheromatous plaque rupture
  • Non-ACS supply/demand mismatch
    • CAD +/-
  • Other


Troponin-emia in High-lighted Non-ACS 

    • +Troponins in ~18% of all CVA
    • Mechanism unclear
      • Catecholamine surge ?
      • Concommitant CAD and ACS?
    • Carries significantly increased mortality
    • Study in progress in UK; TRELAS
  • PE
    • Mechanism
      • RV strain?
      • Hypoexmia?
    • 63% of those with enlarged RV end-diastolic diameter have +troponin vs 29% of those without
    • Across studies, increased short-term all-cause mortality, even among those without massive PE


Chronic Troponin-ers

  • ESRD
    • 82% of those receiving dialysis have elevated Trop T
    • Mechanism unclear
      • Does not relate to GFR
      • Increased afterload/Diastolic dysfunction
      • Concomitant CAD?
    • Clinical significance
      • Increased all-cause and cardiac mortality
      • Most useful for patient trends
  • CHF
    • For ADHF patients, those with + troponins (low-sensitivity)
      • Lower SBP
      • Lower EF
      • Higher inpatient mortality
  • Potpourri
    • 80-85% of marathoners have detectable troponins post-race



  • New era high-sensitivity assays –> specificity for ACS falls
  • Why is it important for EP’s?  PCI vs Medical vs Supportive
  • All-comers with + troponins



  • Kerr G, Ray G, Wu O, Stott DJ, Langhorne P.  Elevated troponin after stroke: a systematic review. Cerebrovasc Dis 2009;28:220-226.
  • Jiménez D, Uresandi F, Otero R, Lobo JL, Monreal M, Martí D, Zamora J, Muriel A, Aujesky D, Yusen RD.  Troponin-based risk stratification of patients with acute nonmassive pulmonary embolism: systematic review and metaanalysis. Chest 2009;136:974-982.
  • Mingels A, Jacobs L, Michielsen E, Swaanenburg J, Wodzig W, van Dieijen-Visser M. Reference population and marathon runner sera assessed by highly sensitive cardiac troponin T and commercial cardiac troponin T and I assays. Clin Chem 2009;55:101-108.
  • Roberts M, Hedley A, Ierino F. Understanding cardiac biomarkers in end-stage kidney disease: Frequently asked questions and the promise of clinical application. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.) [serial online]. March 2011;16(3):251-260.
  • Peacock WF 4th., De Marco T, Fonarow GC,  Diercks D, Wynne, J,Apple FS, Wu AH; ADHERE Investigators. Cardiac troponin and outcome in acute heart failure. N Engl J Med 2008;358:2117-2126
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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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1 comment for “Morning Report: 10/10/2013

  1. wendyrollerblades
    October 14, 2013 at 11:10 am

    thanks, joey. just anecdotally, in my brief career here, the majority of my PE patients have had mildly elevated troponins (.2-.3 @ UHB lab), which is consistent w/ your data. Also, many of my hypertensive urgency patients have also had similarly mildly elevated trops . all this to say that one must look at all causes for elevated troponins as you mentioned, and not become boxed into only ruling in/out ACS.
    ~thanks for the learnin’. ~wendy

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