Our Next Lovely Journal Club

Hello Hard-Working Residents,

On behalf of Dr. Richardson, Dr. Mehta, and Dr. Aluisio, I am happy to provide the next Journal Club Article – a prospective RCT of epinephrine versus no epinephrine in patients that received ACLS. Will it change how you practice?

As usual, please comment on the article below and be ready for an exciting analysis and review in the upcoming week.

You can find the article here.


Theresa M. Olasveengen, et al. Intravenous Drug Administration During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest A Randomized Trial.JAMA, 11/25/2009 – Vol 302, No 20






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  • Resident Editor In Chief of blog.clinicalmonster.com.
  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of the ALiEM AIR Executive Board - Check it out here: http://www.aliem.com/aliem-approved-instructional-resources-air-series/
  • Resident at Kings County Hospital