Rhythm Nation October 2014

This month we have a guest author Dr. Yonatan Yohannes!


You are busy working late one night in the ED at Janus General when… a tech hands you the ECG shown below for a patient presenting with “chest pain”.


1. What is your initial impression?



You immediately go to see the patient and find out that this is a 44 yo M PMH of HTN and CVA 1 year ago, presenting with intermittent chest pain and progressive SOB for 2 days, both exacerbated with exertion. Physical exam shows R calf tenderness to palpation.


2. Does this new information change your initial impression?


You later find a positive Troponin and anterior wall motion abnormality on bedside echo.


3. What is your impression now?


Best response by Friday 10/17 at noon will win this month’s EKG prize!

The views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not reflect the views of their employer. Please read our full disclaimer here. Any references to clinical cases refer to patients treated at a virtual hospital, Janus General Hospital.
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