Xray Vision: Limping

A “chubby” 13 year-old male presents with ED with 3 months of right hip pain. Per patient’s mom, the pain is progressively getting worse that the patient has been limping for last few weeks. Denies pain at the knee or any other joints. You get a xray and see…



please interpret the image. what would you do for the patient?

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2 comments for “Xray Vision: Limping

  1. jberkowitz
    April 22, 2015 at 3:46 pm

    The xray shows slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). Based in the patient’s presentation it can be classified as chronic. The patient requires RLE non-weight bearing, xrays of L hip to evaluate for SCFE of the contralateral joint, and orthopedic evaluation in the emergency department.

    • jberkowitz
      April 22, 2015 at 3:47 pm

      Definitive treatment is operative pinning, possibly with prophylactic pinning of the contralateral hip.

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