Morning Report: 6/29/2015

Deep Space Neck Infections!


deep neck pic

Image from:



Peritonsillar space (abcess)

Parotid space

Submandibular space (Ludwig’s angina)

Pretracheal space

Prevertebral space

Parapharyngeal space

Retropharyngeal & danger space


History & Physical Exam Findings

– Dysphagia                                                                   – Drooling

– Odynophagia                                                               – Paratonsillar or pharyngeal bulge

– Dyspnea +/- stridor if airway obstruction present           – Displaced uvula

-Toxic appearance                                                         – Trismus

– Fever                                                                           – Unilateral tongue paresis

– Muffled or hoarse voice



Lateral neck XR

  • Prevertebral soft tissue should be less than 5mm or <1/3 the width of C4 vertebral body

Bedside ultrasound

  • Can be used to search for a fluid collection suggesting underlying abcess

CT Neck & Chest



Polymicrobial – consider flora from source of infection

  • Anaerobic predominance with anterior soft tissue infections that infiltrate the deep neck space
    • viridians, S. pyogenes, Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Prevotella
  • Gram + predominance with vertebral infections that advance into prevertebral space
    • aureas most common
  • Immunocompromised (DM, EtOH abuse, IVDA, immunosuppresion tx):
    • Greater risk of S. aureas, Pseudomonas, ESBL-Enterobacteriaceae


Management – In general, always consider where infection may have originated from

*IV abx for 2-3 weeks

  • Parapharyngeal/Retropharyngeal source
    • Immunocompetent à Augmentin
    • Immocompromised à Cefepime + Flagyl or Meropenem or Zosyn
  • Prevertebral source
    • Immunocompetent à Nafcillin or Vancomycin + Gentamicin/Ciprofloxacin/Timentin
    • Immunocompromised à Vancomycin/Linezolid + Zosyn/Meropenem/Cefepime & Flagyl

*Image-guided drainage



Carotid sheath involvement – resulting from infections of parapharyngeal space and/or submandibular space

  • Arteritis à be wary of the sick patient with torticollis!!!
  • False aneurysm
  • Rupture

Suppurative jugular thrombophlebitis (Lemierre’s syndrome)

  • Septic pulmonary emboli, persistent fever despite abx

Necrotizing mediastinits – resulting from infections of retropharyngeal and/or danger space

  • Empyema
  • Pleural/pericardial effusion



  • Chow, AW. (9/17/13). Deep Space Neck Infections. Up To Date. Retrieved 6/28/15 from
  • Murray, AD. (3/28/14). Deep Neck Infections. Medscape. Retrieved 6/28/15 from
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