Save of the Month! December 2012 / January 2013

Welcome to Save of the Month! where each month we recognize a resident who went above and beyond to make a great save in the ED. Nominations are solicited from the faculty each block and we pick one (or sometimes three!) resident for recognition and embarrassment on this blog.

This edition’s Save of the Month goes to a trio of great residents. . . Drs. Billy Caputo, Abdullah Al Zahrani, and Eugene Kang!

310195_10150328197661527_1452342746_nHere’s the story . . .

I wanted to nominate my CCT team for a wonderful save. EMS
brought in a 41 year old male who had sudden onset chest pain and
collapsed. EMS was flagged by bystanders and pt was noted to be in
cardiac arrest. CPR was initiated by EMS and was brough to KCHC. In
CCT, pt continued to be pulseless. CPR was continued as per ACLS. Dr.
Caputo took control of the situation and ran the code in a calm and
assertive manner. Pt was quickly placed on a monitor. However, when
peripheral access could not be established Dr. Caputo quickly asked
for the E-Z IO and established access. Dr. Alzahrani intubated the pt
with confidence and ease even though pink frothy sputum was coming out
of the tube. After several rounds of CPR decision was made to give
tPA. After several rounds of CPR, pt had ROSC. Dr. Kang placed a R
femoral triple lumen. Pt was given cold saline, placed on levophed and
admitted to the MICU.

picThe pt is curently alive, off pressors and being cooled in the MICU.
It appears that with the rising troponin pt might have had an MI
leading to his cardiac arrest. Though the neurological prognosis of
the pt is unkown, the pt would not have been saved without the
leadership of Dr. Caputo and skills of Drs. Alzahrani and Kang. They
were simply amazing!

Editor’s note: Sorry, we were unable to obtain a photo for Dr. Al Zahrani and are looking into the possibility that his real identity may only be known to his butler and youthful ward. If you have a photo, please send it to us and we would be happy to post it.

The views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not reflect the views of their employer. Please read our full disclaimer here. Any references to clinical cases refer to patients treated at a virtual hospital, Janus General Hospital.
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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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1 comment for “Save of the Month! December 2012 / January 2013

  1. Ian deSouza
    January 31, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    Nice one.

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