Morning Report: 3/11/14

Here’s Dr. Grock with today’s Morning Report!


The Case:

65 yo F known CHF presents with palpitations.  Compliant with home meds, except Coumadin.  No chest pain/sob/change in ET/orthopnea/pnd/other complaints.   EKG shows: afib, rate of 87.  CBC/CMP/TSH/Ua/CXR unremarkable.




Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter


Facts: irregularly irregular rhythm.  Doubles mortality, increases rate of cva, vte, CHF, hospitalization.  Decreases quality of life and exercise capacity.


Treatment plan: cardioversion


Symptoms < 48 hours – cardiovert on LMWH


Symptoms>48 hours – transesophageal Doppler and cardiovert (vs rate control)


Treatment Plan: Anti-coagulation


CHADS 2 Risk of cva/year Risk of cva/day
  Score 0                1.9% 0.005%
CHF Score 1                2.8% 0.008%
HTN Score 2                4% 0.01%
Age>75 Score 3                5.9% 0.016%
DM Score 4                8.5% 0.023%
CVA (2) Score 5/6           12.5%  0.034%


CHADS2 = 0 – ASA vs nothing

CHADS2 = 1 – see CHADS-VASC,

if CHADS-VASC = 1 – ASA (can give Coumadin/dabigatran/rivaroxaban)

if CHADS-VASC = 2 or more – Coumadin/dabigatran/rivaroxaban

CHADS2 = 2-6 – Coumadin/dabigatran (noninferior, same cva reduction with lower bleeding rates)/rivaroxaban (noninferior in nonvalvular afib per 1 good NEJM paper).  ARR 2.7% (NNT 37) for CVA, also decreased mortality.



1.  Age 65-74 (1) ), >75 (2)     2.    Male (0), Female (1)      3. CHF (1)      4.  DM (1)     5. VTE (2)   6.  Hx Vascular Disease (1)


Score CHADS2-VASC (%/y)

CHADS2VASC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
%risk CVA/yr 0 1.3 2.2 3.2 4.0 6.7 9.8 9.6 6.7 15.2


As you can see the daily risk of stroke is incredibly low.  New onset Afib on its own is not an admitting diagnosis, nor is sub-therapeutic INR.


Treatment Plan: rate vs rhythm control – Rate control primarily. Dilt best, can use metoprolol as well.Rhythm control if symptomatic with adequate rate control, young/asymptomatic patients who are not candidates for ablation, if AF secondary to correctable factor (eg hyperthyroid).



Camm et al. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation. European Heart Journal 2010, 31.2369-2429

Mason et al. Impact of the CH2DS2-VASc Score on Anticoagulation Recommendations for Atrial Fibrillation. The Amer Journ of Med. Vol 125, No 6, June 2012

The views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not reflect the views of their employer. Please read our full disclaimer here. Any references to clinical cases refer to patients treated at a virtual hospital, Janus General Hospital.
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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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