Morning Report: 8/5/2014

Dr. Berzon presents some airway pearls for today’s Morning Report!


Airway Pearls


  • Rotate on Anesthesia as a senior, you will learn things that will make you a better intubator. As a junior, you just wanna shove that tube through cords. Now, you can take the time to perfect your technique and finesse.
  • Bagging- very important technique to master. One trick for a better seal, stretch the inflated plastic mask on to the face by pulling sideways and placing on the face.
  • You don’t have to use the scissor technique to open the mouth, if they are relaxed, you can just push down on the mandible
  • Just place the blade where your fingers are at the right tip of the mouth and let your fingers guide the blade in.
  • USE BIMANUEL LARGYNGOSCOPY, it will save lives. As your left hand places the blade at the vallecula, use your right hand to manipulate the larynx and bring the cords into view.
  • Remember to hold the laryngoscope at the handle and not where it meets the blade, it will give you more torque
  • No rocking!!! pull towards the place where the ceiling meets the wall.
  • If you visualize cords but the tube won’t go in easy, hold it by the cords and remove the stylet with your thumb, it will naturally bend up and into the cords.
  • You can use the Mac as a Miller, if you go in too deep, just pull back and hold up the epiglottis with the tip of the Mac as you would with a Miller
  • If the bougie (your best friend) gets stuck as it goes through cords, rotate the bougie. If still not passing, remove the bougie and place it with the straight part in and coude out.
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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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