Too Stimulating to be Bored Review

A 14 year old named Fred Weasely presents to your ER complaining of finger pain while playing some game called “Quidditch”. He reports he grabbed an opposing players cape as they were “flying…er…running” away. Since, he has had trouble making a fist with that finger. 

PS The answer isn’t skele-gro.

PPS If you’re not getting this awesome Harry Potter reference, you probably aren’t very cool.

Name the injury and mechanism?

Jersey Finger – forced extension while in flexion resulting in an FDP injury.


Physican Exam findings?

DIP swelling with impaired DIP flexion. Specifically – cannot flex finger with PIP joint extended.


ED Treatment?

X-ray for fracture/avulsion fracture. Splint, pain control


Definitive Treatment?

Hand surgeon within 7 days. Typically repaired surgically



By Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Sally Bogoch



Emergency Orthopedics 6th edition, chpt 11

Bowen et al. Evidence Based Management of Acute Hand Injuries in the Emergency Department. Retrieved from Dec 2014, vol 16, no 12

The views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not reflect the views of their employer. Please read our full disclaimer here. Any references to clinical cases refer to patients treated at a virtual hospital, Janus General Hospital.
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