Morning Report: 5/3/2012

Thanks to Dr. Pearsall for this review of the clinical pathways to diagnosis of lower extremity DVT!


Dx of Suspected 1st LE DVT


Tools to Dx DVT:

  • Wells Prediction Rules
  • D-dimer
  • 2-point proximal compression US
  • Whole leg doppler
  • Venography


Basic Pathway to Dx:

  • Determine pretest probability
  • Use modalities: based on recent recommendations by American College of Chest Physicians in Executive Summary: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed. (Remember that email Dr. Sinert sent out!)


Low pretest probability:

  • Mod/highly sensitive D-dimer or prox CUS (preferably D-dimer)
  • D-dimer or prox US neg, then stop
  • If positive D-dimer, then prox CUS


Mod pretest probability:

  • Highly sensitive D-dimer or prox CUS or whole leg Doppler
  • Negative D-dimer, then stop
  • If pos D-dimer, then prox CUS or whole leg Doppler
  • If initial prox CUS neg, then repeat in 1 week or do mod/high sensitive D-dimer
  • If neg serial prox CUS, neg single prox CUS + neg D-dimer, then stop
  • If whole leg Doppler neg, then stop
  • If isolated distal DVT, then serial US to r/o proximal extension


High pretest probability:

  • Prox CUS or whole leg Doppler
  • If neg prox CUS, then highly sensitive D-dimer or whole leg Doppler or repeat prox CUS in 1 week (preferably D-dimer)
  • Single neg prox CUS and pos D-dimer, then whole leg Doppler or repeat prox CUS in 1 week
  • If neg  serial prox CUS, neg single prox CUS + neg D-dimer or neg whole leg Doppler, then stop
  • If isolated distal DVT, then serial US to r/o proximal extension


** Keep in mind to always use clinical judgment… and opinions vary.

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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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