Morning Report: 5/22/2012


Here’s a Morning Report from Dr. Julie on Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome:




  • Cause
    • EHEC (Shiga toxin-producing enterohemorrhagic E. coli)
      • 70% of US HUS cases
        • 0157:H7 (Most US cases)
        • O104:H4 (Germany last yr)
        • 0111 (Australia and US)
    • Shigella (Shigella dysenteriae type 1)
      • India, Bangladesh, and southern Africa


  • Epidemiology
    • Illness 90% in kids, mostly <5 yrs
    • June to September > 50% of cases
    • From cattle intestine and feces
    • undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk or milk products, water, fruits or vegetables
    • can go horizontally
    • Mainly rural


  • Pathology/Dx
    • abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea
      • bloody diarrhea in 57 percent
      • no fever
      • abd pain, mild leukocytosis
    • HUS develops in 5 to 10 days
    • HUS
      • Hemolytic anemia with fragmented erythrocytes (Hgb 8 or less)
      • Thrombocytopenia (<40-140)
      • Acute renal injury (50 percent needed dialysis – most recover)
    • Seizures and somnolence, were observed in 25 percent
    • Low mortality (<5%)


  • Red flags
    • decreasing urine volume
    • HTN (in kids)
    • Purpura (less common than in HSP)


  • Treatment
    • Supportive
      • Hgb if <6
      • Platelets if < 30
      • Careful fluid and electrolyte management
      • HTN: Tx with dialysis, CCBs
      • Plasma exchange for neuro sx
    • NO abx
    • No anti-motility agents

Thanks Dr. Julie! Leave any comments below.

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Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

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