Author: andygrock

  • Resident Editor In Chief of
  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of the ALiEM AIR Executive Board - Check it out here:
  • Resident at Kings County Hospital

A Tox Mystery….

By Dr. Alex Brevil This drug causes this rash…   This drug caused an outbreak of agranulocytosis among healthy 20 year olds… The drug is widely available in countries with a large livestock industry (for use as antihelminthic)…    …

Case of the Month 11: Answer

  This month’s winner is ablumbenberg with a very thorough answer. This case was a doozy and involved an extremely rare Emergency Department diagnosis. To Recap: We have a 64 lady with a history of problems with her blood’s “globes”…

Too Classic a Question to Be Bored Review

A patient with long-standing alcoholic cirrhosis presents to your ER with altered mental status…or fever….or abdominal pain… or new onset ascites. He reports this is his normal skin color. He also reports his wife’s hair is always 4 feet tall and…

Clever Title Bored Review

A 65 year old man with htn presents after being woken up from sleep with trouble breathing. His breathing improved after he sat up, but he is still complaining of tongue swelling. On exam, he has poor dentition, fullness to…

You’re going to want to see this…

The Case 7 year old Hispanic male presents to an imaginary ED with complaints of “heart racing” for one day. He has a known history of HTN and is on metoprolol. Parents are unsure of other cardiac history.   VS:…

Ear lacks? Definitely not Bored Review

  A red-headed Auror presents after suffering an ear injury in a duel with one of the few remaining death eaters. He reports bleeding from the ear after being hit with “Secumsempra” (Don’t get any of these references? Seriously?!?!? See…