Brought to by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Dr. Moran’s Lecture Pt presents with mid-dilated non-reactive pupil. He has? Dr. Nguyen’s Lecture Case presentation for irregularly irregular tachycardia at a rate of 150. Diagnosis: atrial…
By Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Sally Bogoch 1. Febrile Neutropenia 2. Febrile Neutropenia is defined by having fever…and neutropenia. 2a fever is one temp >38.3 C (101.3F) or one hour with temp >38C (100.4F). 2b Neutropenia is defined as…
Brought to you by Andrew Grock and Sally Bogoch 85 yo F with Leukemia on chemotherapy presents with fever of 102F at home. Denies all other complaints. HR 102, RR 15, BP 120/80, Oral Temp 100.8, O2 Sat 100% on RA.…