Author: andygrock

  • Resident Editor In Chief of
  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of the ALiEM AIR Executive Board - Check it out here:
  • Resident at Kings County Hospital

6/18/14 Wednesday Wrap Up

Brought to by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Dr. Moran’s Lecture Pt presents with mid-dilated non-reactive pupil.  He has?       Dr. Nguyen’s Lecture Case presentation for irregularly irregular tachycardia at a rate of 150. Diagnosis: atrial…

6/16/14 An unusual ultrasound…

By Dr. Kelly Maurelus.   Hey Folks, I am bringing you the Ultrasound image of the month or in this case video of the month…take a moment and review the media (click play as many times as you want) to…

Wed Wrap Up 6/11/14

Brought to you by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Special Thanks to our Grand Rounds Speaker, Dr. Christopher Doty.   Peds Case Conference, by Dr. Francis Youn Neutropenic Fever – ANC = WBC (in thousands) cells/mcL * [(neutrophil…

6/13/14 EKG #10…this one is scary

Brought to you by Dr Andrew Grock and Dr. Elizabeth Abram. Supervised by Dr Martindale. A nurse brings you the following EKG to sign. You go to the patient’s bedside: 63 yo F, pmhx dm/htn, here for epigastric pain, vomiting, dizziness…

6/12/14 Board (not Bored) review answer!!!

By Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Sally Bogoch 1. Febrile Neutropenia 2. Febrile Neutropenia is defined by having fever…and neutropenia. 2a  fever is one temp >38.3 C (101.3F) or one hour with temp >38C (100.4F). 2b  Neutropenia is defined as…

Urine Trouble

“Exam room 3 is a sign out, 23 yo F, here for nausea, found to be pregnant. US shows IUP, good heart rate. No VB, has outside PMD. Got Zofran, tolerating PO. No urinary complaints, but we are waiting for…

Let the trauma patient be hypotensive?

CCT 4 AM. Trauma Note – GSW to abdomen. On arrival, wound to RUQ, another to L flank. HR 130s, BP 70s/40s. The CCT junior throws in two 14 gauge peripheral IVs, and attaches the trauma lines.  Two liters NS…