Author: andygrock

  • Resident Editor In Chief of
  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of the ALiEM AIR Executive Board - Check it out here:
  • Resident at Kings County Hospital

To culture or not to culture?

The Case 75 yo female, multiple medical problems presents with subjective fever/cough for 2 days.  Work-up shows – nml VS, lactate 1 and left lower lobe infiltrate.  Unfortunately she’s CURB-65 of 2 (age and BUN) with PORT score of 95. …

Leaving Against Medical Advice?

We’ve all been there – the 89 yo with cancer you want to admit for pneumonia who doesn’t want to spend another precious day in the hospital…the NSTEMI that has to sign out AMA to stop his car from getting…

So I get this transfer…

The Case:  (due to HIPAA all facts in this case have been changed) Middle aged Male, currently being treated for malignancy (with mets to liver/kidney/chest) presents with SOB from recurrent pleural effusions and is found to have a DVT.  Other…