It wasn’t too long ago that I reviewed pulmonary infections for a morning report (see summary here). We reviewed some fun facts including: . – 10 % of HCAP have atypical infections indicating the use of Azithromycin. – For…
To continue discussing the chest pain patient from last week…(you remember, the syphilitic patient with Turner Syndrome who presents with tearing chest and epigastric pain radiating to the back with unequal upper extremity blood pressures, a pulseless leg, neurologic deficits)…
Believe it or not, someone presents to your ER with chest pain! . By Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Sally Bogoch References Rivers uptodate.com
A 33 year old man presents with chest pain and mild shortness of breath, progressively worsening over the last two days – sharp, sternal, worse on inspiration/lying flat, no radiation, better with sitting up. ROS + for URI 8 days…
An EMS note arrives – an obese 60 year old F with a history of the sugar, the pressure, and a “stomach problem…called digestive heart failure”. VS: HR 120s, RR 40s, O2sat 88% on NRB, BP SEE BELOW. PE diaphorectic,…
All is quiet in your imaginary ED when a commotion rings in from the hallway. In comes in a very gravid patient making lots of groans, moans, and curses. She reports she has no medical problems, is full term, and…