So you get this guy, 23 yo M with schizophrenia and depression brought to ED by Mom for “acting strange”. Mom reports a recent change in his psychiatric medication, but does not know the specifics. Patient is agitated and not…
Author: andygrock
- Resident Editor In Chief of
- Co-Founder and Co-Director of the ALiEM AIR Executive Board - Check it out here:
- Resident at Kings County Hospital
Rash and Crying?
By Dr. Jacqueline Bober 4-year-old patient is BIB Grandma for not walking well. She states every time he tries to walk he cries. Physical Exam is noted for the rash below: References…
ED Tracking: It Sounds So Simple, Doesn’t It?
NOT Board Review
You’re kicking back in an empty CCT when you hear a ruckus in the hallway. In comes in a young man with a penetrating injury to the neck. He’s stridorous and diaphoretic on arrival. …
Not Bored Review 9/16/14
A 2 week old presents with multiple episodes of green vomiting today with inability to tolerate PO. Pt has had no fevers and normal birth history. On exam, baby has a distended belly with moderate generalized tenderness. …
Case #3 Answer!
Wed Wrap Up for 9/10/14

Clinical Monster @kingsofcounty · Dr. Andrea Ferrari lecturing about sick kids. #clinicalmonster #emconf Clinical Monster @kingsofcounty · What to do with an ALTE baby?…….always admit for observation. #clinicalmonster #emconf Clinical Monster @kingsofcounty · Intussusception re-occurs 7-12% post reduction. Perhaps best to observe? How long? ……
Never Bored Review 9/9/14
Made up Case: 70 yo ESRD (LUE fistua, MWF, last yesterday), HTN, DM, severe COPD presents peds struck by semi: Airway, Breathing, Circulation initially intact, IV/O2/Monitor placed 102, 150/60, 28, 93% on RA Secondary survey neg except for pan-right sided…