Author: andygrock

  • Resident Editor In Chief of
  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of the ALiEM AIR Executive Board - Check it out here:
  • Resident at Kings County Hospital

Our Next Lovely Journal Club

Hello Hard-Working Residents, On behalf of Dr. Richardson, Dr. Mehta, and Dr. Aluisio, I am happy to provide the next Journal Club Article – a prospective RCT of epinephrine versus no epinephrine in patients that received ACLS. Will it change…

Permissive Hypoventilation… In Trauma?

Over the last decade or two, we have all seen, read, and are hopefully now doing some interesting stuff with the A in the ABC’s. Here, we discuss three interesting topics involving ventilating critically ill patients using less breaths…sometimes way…

Case of the Month #2, Answer 8/5/14

Thanks to our own ablumenberg for his 3 responses! I applaud your effort and thoroughness…though you were not entirely correct, you were the only one to answer. So you WIN! To review some pertinent facts of the case, we had…

Updates to the ACA for You Policy Wonks! 8/4/14

I’m sure you all read the Affordable Care Act (ACA) when it came out…(if not, click here for the 906 page handout), and have been anxiously awaiting some data on how it has been doing. Well last month the Health…

US and Ortho? 7/29/14

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this month’s Ultrasound of the Month and my first official blog post! Here’s the clip:         A 45 year old man presented to UHB fast track with a chief complaint of right…

From the Mind (and Culinary skills) of Dr. Ashika Jain

Hi Readers, We have yet another new post this year for me to introduce. Dr. Sadia Hussain (of the Trauma Drama series) has teamed up with the wonderful Dr. Ashika Jain to create a Critical Care Mini-Fellowship. We thought it…