Author: eabram

Rhythm Nation May 2015 Answer!

Rhythm Nation May 2015 Answer Congratulations to Dr. Reza Roodsari! This is indeed a case of digoxin toxicity.  Whenever you see “regularized a-fib,” that is, regular QRS intervals in a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation, think digoxin toxicity until proven otherwise. What…

Rhythm Nation April 2015 – Answer!

Excellent interpretation by Dr. Tepler! Exactly right, bradycardia and Osborn waves were concerning for a cold patient – in this case had moderate hypothermia. The Osborn wave (aka J wave) is seen in a variety of conditions. It can be…

Rhythm Nation April 2015

You are handed this ECG and immediately get up to go see this new patient … why? What are you worried about?       Best answer by Friday 4/17/15 at noon is our winner!

Rhythm Nation March 2015 – Answer!

Rhythm Nation March 2015 – Answer!   Congratulations to VTACHomas for being first! Excellent discussion from JFreedman and Eschnitz. This is a complicated ECG! Let’s first look at the option of ventricular bigeminy. Ventricular bigeminy has recurring premature ventricular contractions…

Rhythm Nation March 2015

26 yo M pmh multiple episodes of syncope as child p/w anxiety symptoms for months. No meds or illicits. His father died at age 39. He has the following dysrhythmia:     Questions: What is this rhythm? What is your…

Rhythm Nation February 2015

50 yo F pmh ESRD, CHF presents with one day of “feeling bad.” HR 170s, received adenosine for suspected AVNRT and the rate “broke” into this ECG seen below:     Your only question… what could this rhythm be, and…