Author: jfreedman

Less is More

I had wanted to write on the utility and interpretation of serial CBCs.   I do it all the time and I’m sure my practice is not well-informed.  However, it’s doing.  It’s active. And we love doing. (Check out Drs Sinert…

Don’t just do something, stand there.

Bad things happen.  Trauma and tragic illnesses take the young and old.  The world is not kind or just.  And we, emergency docs, work at the intersection of daily life and tragedy.  We strive to mitigate illness and injury.  But…

All pressure is created equal

That moment when an idea strikes you. Something stutters the laminar flow of the mind. A mental murmur, perhaps. It’s that hiccup that alerts you that something’s up, something needs to be reassessed.   This happened to me at Janus…

The “Soft” Code

EMS notification. 115 year old female in cardiac arrest. ACLS in progress. Estimated time of arrival: 5 minutes. Your stomach groans. Upon EMS arrival, you learn that she comes from a nursing facility and has end-stage dementia; she is bed-bound,…

6/25 Adult Journal Club

Which neutropenic patients are sick? Or sick-est? During the heme/onc module, Dr Reisman will dissect the following paper: neturo cohort   Let’s discuss pre-conference:  Is this applicable to your practice?  What are the limitations?  Will this change what you do tomorrow?

How much blood is too much?

On 2/19, we’ll discuss the recent NEJM publication on transfusion strategies in upper GI bleeds.  Their results may surprise you.  Can they be extrapolated to other bleeders? Read, enjoy, and post.

To Cath or Not to Cath

  Quick case: It’s 3am.  A 55yM, with a pmhx of chubbiness, DM, HTN is brought in by EMS after being found down.  He is pulse-less, with an initial rhythm of ventricular fibrillation.  He is shocked appropriately and exquisite ACLS…

Another “worst headache of my life”?

In the evaluation of SAH in the ED, does everyone with a negative head CT require subsequent LP? On 1/29/14!, we’ll review Perry’s study in BMJ on CT performed within 6 hours of headache onset. Practice-changing?  Peruse and decide. Enjoy!…