Author: jfreedman


The debate on the treatment of circulatory shock is over(-ish?).  Ever since the NEJM put out its big RCT on the treatment of all-comer shock[i], we know that norepinephrine is the vasopressor of choice.  Septic, cardiogenic….doesn’t matter.  Norepinephrine is superior…

Case 9 – Answer and Discussion

Thanks to those who participated.  That’s Dr. Dan Zeccola.  And, Dr. Dan Zeccola.   Dan did a fantastic job of running through the findings that can help distinguish ventricular tachycardia vs a rhythm of supraventricular origin.  I also recommend you…

Case #9

Welcome to this installment of rhythm nation, entitled Shakedown Street. Please offer a comprehensive assessment of the following squiggles. Case details pending.  


What is it good for?   Something?  Maybe?  Remember in medical school when the right answer to everything was cytokines.  The mythical inflammatory response; all those interleukins, TNFs, and all other forms of molecular magic that drive our response to…

Is CXR the “B” of ABCs?

No, it’s not.  But some trauma consultants may feel that way. This month’s journal club will feature the NEXUS Chest criteria for blunt thoracic trauma.  Is CXR and/or CT Chest always indicated in the blunt trauma patient?  Is there a…

Evidence-Lite Medicine

A few weeks ago, Dr Harriott gave a talk on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and pre-hospital airway management.  She reviewed some historical context for the current EMS system and airway management. Her literature search suggested that for OHCA, paramedic-operated endotracheal…

Hating on pulse-ox

We like to think we’re always practicing evidence-based medicine.  So we inform our consultants about likelihood ratios and ask how can they be “so sure.”  We try to be very aware of the sensitivities and specificities of the tests we…