Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 7/30/2015

Thanks to Dr. Muhlfelder for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Plantar Puncture Wounds   How remote is the injury? Comorbidities? Tetanus Status? Diabetics present later 2/2 neuropathy/decreased sensation, 3x risk of osteo For all, consider deep penetration given weight-bearing area,…

Morning Report: 7/28/2015

Here’s Dr. Brevil with today’s Morning Report!   Ocular Ultrasound Since the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye contain vitreous fluid, the eye is an ideal acoustic window for ultrasound imaging Normal Anatomy: Iris separates lens and anterior chamber…


Welcome to my first blog post, otherwise known as The Space for a Longtime Repressed Writer.  I approached our editors about writing some sort of “human interest/lessons learned” blog to complement the multitude of great educational posts and interesting ED…

Morning Report: 7/14/2015

Thanks to Dr. Wang for today’s Morning Report!   Lateral Orbital Canthotomy   Indications: Retrobulbar hemorrhage Increase IOP (IOP >40mm Hg) Proptosis   Contraindications: Globe rupture Hyphema Tear-drop-shaped pupil Peaked or irregularly shaped pupil   Procedure: Positioning: patient in the…

Morning Report: 7/10/2015

Here’s Dr. Kincade with today’s Morning Report!   ETOH Withdrawal Case: A 45yo M presents to the ED for EtOH detoxification. Drinks 1L of vodka daily. Last drink 18 hours prior. VS: HR:150 beats/min, BP: 172/84 mm Hg, diaphoretic and…

Morning Report: 7/9/2015

Dr. Ozaki presents today’s Morning Report!   Ultrasound-Guided Fascia Iliaca Block   *Consider this as an adjunct for pain control in patients with hip fractures.   Fascia Iliaca is located anterior to the iliacus muscle -Femoral and lateral cutaneous nerves…

Morning Report: 7/7/2015

Thanks to Dr. Kopping for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Digoxin Toxicity Digoxin falls under cardioactive steroids Fox glove, oleander, dried toad secretions Na/K ATPase inhibition Resting potential more positive, more likely to depolarize Increases inotropy by preventing Ca leaving…