Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 8/28/2014

Dr. Muhlfelder presents today’s Morning Report! SCROMBOID The “seafood allergy”/ Histamine Toxicity   Significantly underreported-misdiagnosed as seafood allergy Contaminated dark meat fish i.e. tuna, mackerel, skip-jack and bonito (name derived from Scromdroidea class of fish initially associated with illness) Less…

Morning Report: 8/26/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom with today’s Morning Report!   The Case: 69 M with history of HTN and DM presents with 1 day of nausea and vomiting. Pt says he woke up in the morning and after breakfast started feeling dizzy and…

Morning Report: 8/15/2014

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. Rolston-Cregler!   EBOLA!!!!   Primary exposure: work in an endemic area Secondary Exposure: human to human, primate to human   Presentation: –       Early findings include high fevers, pharyngitis, severe constitutional signs and symptoms,…

Morning Report: 8/14/2014

Thanks to Dr. Adesina for presenting today’s Morning Report!   GBL Toxicity   Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL) is an addictive depressant used for its euphoric and sleep inducing effects. It is a prodrug to GHB. GBL can be synthesized from gamma-hydroxybutyric acid…

Morning Report: 8/12/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Oiyemhonlan!   Analgesia and Sedation Induction = Sedation = No Analgesia (exception Ketamine)   Paralytics (Muscle Relaxant): Blocks the transmission of the action potential at the neuromuscular junction causing paralysis. Does not provide Analgesia…

Save of the Month! July 2014

Welcome to Save of the Month! where each month we recognize a resident who went above and beyond to make a great save in the ED. Nominations are solicited from the faculty each block and we pick one resident for recognition…