Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 4/17/2014

Thanks to Dr. McMillan for today’s Morning Report!   Here’s the Case: 21 year-old recently postpartum female presents with chief complaint of diffuse, red rash started shortly before calling EMS. Paramedic notes that she looks like anaphylaxis, but he didn’t…

Save of the Month! March 2014

Welcome to Save of the Month! where each month we recognize a resident who went above and beyond to make a great save in the ED. Nominations are solicited from the faculty each block and we pick one resident for recognition…

Morning Report: 4/11/2014

Thanks to Dr. Ozaki for today’s Morning Report!   Burns   Classification of burns:   Appearance Surface Sensation Time to healing First Degree Pink or red Dry Painful Days Second Degree Pink, clear blisters Moist Painful 14-21 days Deep Second…

Morning Report: 4/10/2014

Here’s Dr. Freedman with today’s Morning Report!   Delta Force  An approach to the possibly complicated metabolic acidosis   1st What’s primary? Compensation is alright, but its never enough Ph? What’s the respiratory system doing? 2nd Gapped or non-gapped? Normal…

EM-CCM Conference: February 2014

EM-CCM Conference: February 2014 (Sorry posting this a little late!) Presented by Dr. Freedman Summary by Dr. Youn   CASE: 84M with CAD (recent NSTEMI) on ASA and Clopidogrel, CHF, HTN, DM p/w 4 episodes of BRBPR with dizziness and SOB.…

Morning Report: 4/8/2014

Welcome back to Morning Report! Today’s edition is presented by Dr. Alsup!   Mammal bites   Cat bites Deep puncture wounds, difficult to irrigate 10-40% rate of infections Staph, step and pasteurella multocida P. multocida, a highly virulent, facultatively anaerobic,…

Morning Report: 3/25/2014

Thanks to Dr. Ting for today’s Morning Report!   Chronic SCI   Complications of chronic SCI –      DVT/PE –      Decubitus ulcers –      Pneumonia (even down to thoracic levels although only C3-5 controls the diaphragm due to impaired cough reflex) –     …

Morning Report: 3/21/14

Dr. Shin presents today’s special March Madness edition of Morning Report!   Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block   A nerve block of the intraoral mandibular or inferior alveolar nerve anesthetizes the following: The body of the mandible and the lower portion…