Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 3/14/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Berzon!   Magnesium   • Balance is a a function of intake and excretion (360 mg intake) • GI excretion usually stable • Kidney is main regulator • Excretion in loop of Henle…

Morning Report: 3/13/2014

Thanks to Dr. Louis for today’s Morning Report!   Ludwig’s Angina   Definition: Progressive cellulitis of the connective tissues of the floor of the mouth and neck beginning in the submandibular space.   Prognosis: Prior to antibiotics and airway adjuncts…

Morning Report: 3/11/14

Here’s Dr. Grock with today’s Morning Report!   The Case: 65 yo F known CHF presents with palpitations.  Compliant with home meds, except Coumadin.  No chest pain/sob/change in ET/orthopnea/pnd/other complaints.   EKG shows: afib, rate of 87.  CBC/CMP/TSH/Ua/CXR unremarkable.   Plan?…

Morning Report: 3/6/2014

Thanks to Dr. Basile for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case: 74 yo female with pmh of HTN and arthritis presents with 3-4 days of lightheadedness and weakness.  Pt also reports intermittent epigastric abdominal pain two days prior to presentation.  Pt…

Morning Report: 3/4/2014

Morning Report is back after taking a few weeks off! Here’s Dr. Waldman with today’s edition!   BLAST CRISIS: Medicine say what?   Case: 33 yo M irritable, yelling about SOB, abdominal pain, CP.  After doctor approaches bedside, pt states…

EM-CCM Conference: January 2014

EM-CCM Conference: January 2014 Presented by Dr. LoCascio Summary by Dr. Grock   The Case: 67 yo F pmhx ESRD on HD, HTN with slurred speech and Left sided weakness starting at 19:30.  H&P and work-up significant for BP 208/95,…