Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 8/30/2013

Here’s Dr. Youn with today’s Morning Report!   Lateral Canthotomy/Cantholysis   Emergent concern: retinal ischemia, optic nerve compression   Indications: Acute orbital compartment syndrome – usually 2/2 traumatic retrobulbar hemorrhage Decreased visual acuity IOP > 40 mmHg (normal range: 10-20)…

ED Critical Care Conference: August 2013

ED Critical Care Conference: August 2013 PULMONARY EMBOLISM Summary by Dr. Eugene Kang   Diagnosis and EKG: -Most common EKG finding: non-specific ST-T changes (at least for our boards) -Other findings: sinus tachycardia, complete or incomplete RBBB, RAD, right atrial…

Morning Report: 8/29/2013

Thanks to Dr. Waldman for today’s Morning Report!   PERI-PARTUM CARDIOMYOPATHY (PPCM)   Case: 35 yo F G1P1 no PMH presents 5 days s/p c-section for arrest of delivery comes ℅ BLE edema for the last 2 days a/w SOB. …

Morning Report: 8/27/2013

Dr. Kong presents today’s Morning Report!   Ketofol   What is it? A mixture of Ketamine and Propofol used for sedation   Why is it better than Ketamine or Propofol alone? 1. In theory, use of medications together produce rapid…

Morning Report: 8/23/2013

Thanks to Dr. Grock for today’s Morning Report!   The case: 20 yo male no pmhx, presents with pleuritic chest pain, dizziness, and worsening DOE x 3 days (class IV).  No fevers, no toxic habits, no travel/sx/immobilizations/hx dvt or pe.…

Morning Report: 8/22/2013

Here’s Dr. Adal with today’s Morning Report!     Differential diagnosis for generalized weakness   Neuromuscular (UMN and LMN) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Degeneration of the motor neuron Botulism: Toxin prevents release of Ach at neuromuscular junction Ciguatoxin: Toxin causes cell…

Morning Report: 8/20/2013

Thanks to Dr. Alsup for today’s Morning Report! Laryngeal Mask airway for Prehospital Respiratory Failure   LMA as a rescue airway It’s great when stuff hits the fan.  A certain percentage of people you just won’t be able to intubate.…

Morning Report: 8/16/2013

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. Reisman!   This morning report we are reviewing a paper from a cardiology journal that proposes modification of the criteria for emergent cath lab activation. The goal is to recognize ECG patterns associated…