Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 6/11/2013

Thanks to Dr. Bradby for today’s Morning Report!   Myxedema Coma or Crisis   Definition:  Severe (decompensated) hypothyroidism leading to decreased mental status, hypothermia, and other symptoms related to slowing of function in multiple organs.   Epidemiology: –       Mortality rate…

Morning Report: 6/7/2013

Here’s Dr. DiMare with today’s Morning Report!   WTF? = What the …fanny-pack?   What is an LVAD? –       Left ventricular assist device –       Basically an extracardiac pump –       The LV goes from being a pumping device…

Morning Report: 6/4/2013

Today’s Morning Report is thanks to Dr. Chapman!   This Morning Report is based on the Emergency Medicine Practice Article, Emergency Management of Dyspnea in Dying Patients; the following Vignette is also based heavily on the vignette in the article:…

Morning Report: 5/30/2013

Thanks to Dr. Joshi for today’s Morning Report!   Brown Recluse Spiders Species Facts: “violin spider” Loxosceles reclusa (genus name) Sicariidae (family name) family of 6 eyed spiders known for their necrotic bites most spiders have 8 eyes Two genus…

Journal Club: June 2013

Welcome to a new feature on TOKC! In preparation for each Journal Club during Wednesday Conference, we will post the article in advance on TOKC so residents and faculty may read and post comments and discussion points before we meet…

Morning Report: 5/21/2013

Thanks to Dr. McMillan for today’s Morning Report!   Here’s the case: Female passenger of MVC presents with abdominal pain. Home pregnancy test just positive.   Trauma in Pregnancy: Both blunt and penetrating a significant cause of maternal injury.  …