Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 5/17/2013

Here’s Dr. Jegede with today’s Morning Report!   Therapeutic Hypothermia It’s benefits are compared to early defibrillation for improving survival in patients post cardiac arrest NNT to improve survival is 7. NNT to improve neurologic outcome is 5 Should be…

Morning Report: 5/14/2013

Here’s Dr. Aherne with today’s Morning Report!   Carbon Monoxide Poisoning –       CO: Odorless, tasteless, non-irritating –       Formed by the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, or endogenously from the metabolism of methylene chloride (paint stripper, aerosol propellants) –       Impairs oxygen delivery…

Morning Report: 5/10/2013

Dr. Julie presents his final Morning Report [tear] with a list of important tips he picked up along the way during his time at County.   Airway: –  Have a few seconds? Review the chart –  Tonsil Cancer –  Chronic…

Morning Report: 5/7/2013

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. Joshi!   Blast Injuries:  NEJM 2005   DePalma RG, Burris DG, Champion HR, Hodgson MJ. Blast Injuries. NEJM. 2005 Mar 31;352(13):1335-42. PMID: 15800229.   How to categorize Injuries: Few bombings in the US…

Morning Report: 5/3/2013

Thanks to Dr. Bradby for today’s Morning Report!   Parasitic Worms   Ascariasis – large intestinal roundworm –  807- 1,221 million people in the world are infected with Ascaris lumbricoides –  live in the intestines, eggs passed in the feces…

Morning Report: 5/2/2013

Here’s Dr. Kong with today’s Morning Report!   Intubation of the Asthmatic   Summary: 1. Exhaust all pharmacologic and non-invasive breathing therapies 2. The decision to intubate is usually clinical. 3. Remember good pre-intubation prep. 4. Predicted difficult intubation: hard…

Morning Report: 4/26/2013

Today’s Morning Report is courtesy of Dr. Basile!   Delayed Sequence Intubation Why do this? –        Standard preoxygenation with NRB mask (65-80% FiO2) for 3 min or 8 vital capacity breaths has been shown to provide a buffer of 8…