Author: Jay Khadpe MD

Editor in Chief of "The Original Kings of County" Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Assistant Residency Director SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital

Morning Report: 4/23/2015

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Adal!   Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning   Epidemiology: 200K fatalities worldwide every year   DDx: Cholinesterase inhibitors, Cholinomimetics, Nicotine alkaloids   Kinetics: Absorption via ingestion, inhalation or topical contact. Minutes to hours depending…

Morning Report: 4/21/2015

Thanks to Dr. Rolston-Cregler for today’s Morning Report!   Ethylene Glycol Toxicity   The Basics Toxic Alcohol with the chemical structure C2H6O2 Main ingredient in antifreeze Sweet taste often attracts children and animals   Clinical Presentation Altered mental status Dyspnea…

Save of the Month! March 2015

Welcome to Save of the Month! where each month we recognize a resident who went above and beyond to make a great save in the ED. Nominations are solicited from the faculty each block and we pick one resident for recognition…

Morning Report: 4/3/2015

Dr. Grock presents today’s Morning Report!   Case: 32 F 18 wks by LMP presents with chest pain: sharp, non-exertional, 7/10, mildly decreased ET, bilat LE edema. VS HR 102, BP 130/74, RR 20, Temp 99.8 oral, O2sat 98% on RA.  …

Morning Report: 4/2/2015

Here’s Dr. Wang with today’s Morning Report!   Ingested Foreign Body Foreign bodies can be anywhere in the entire GI tract. The esophagus has three areas of narrowing where foreign bodies are most likely to become entrapped upper esophageal sphincter…

Morning Report: 3/31/2015

Thanks to Dr. Kincade for today’s Morning Report!   Wellens Syndrome   Pattern of inverted or biphasic T waves in precordial leads that are specific for critical LAD stenosis Critical stenosis LAD High risk of anterior MI w/o medical tx:…

Morning Report: 3/24/2015

Here’s Dr. Alsup with today’s Morning Report!   Hip Dislocations   *Dislocations and fracture-dislocations are true orthopedic emergencies   History: ABC’s: This injury is a red flag for multisystem injury Associated injury (95%) Assoc acetabular fracture 70% Knee fractures/ligamentous injury/…