Author: jshibata

  • Resident Editor-in-chief of
  • Blog author of
  • Co-author of the Resident Journal Review for AAEM’s Common Sense newsletter.
  • EM/IM Resident at Kings County Hospital

Tox Craze

Written by Alex Brevil A 52 y/o woman w/ fibromyalgia is found alone in her room in a confused state by her maid. She recently lost all of her retirement money and constantly “Blames Obama.” She is then rushed to…

PE or not PE, that is the question…

Written by Randi Ozaki             …and probably one of the more annoying clinical questions that we’re faced with in the ED. PERC (pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria), D-dimer and Well’s criteria have been discussed ad nauseam,…

Right on Target: A Petite Peds Post

Written by Dr. Michelle DiMare Welcome back! This month’s post is brought to you by my sudden increase in peds shifts and everyone’s favorite chief complaint: vomiting. While ultrasounding a tiny, crying, puking, squirmy patient can often seem like a…


By Baruch Berzon MD and Richard Sinert MD Case Presentation A 32 year-old male presents in August to EMS with complaints of “flutter in my chest” and light-headedness for an hour. The paramedics find a young man in mild distress…


A CASE: A 40 y/o black homeless man presents with difficulty walking secondary to extreme left lower extremity pain. On exam, the patient is afebrile, HR 105, RR 20, BP 120/65. His extremity is swollen, warm, erythematous and extremely tender…

You think you know asthma?

A 25 y/o smoker presents to the ED with SOB and tells you her asthma is acting up. You think to yourself, “I love the crashing asthma patient!” Within 5 minutes bipap is bedside, solumedrol is given and somehow she’s…