Author: jwang

Xray Vision: Answer

Here are the images again   Both Drs. Greenstein and Chan got the answer right. Dr. Greenstein is the winner for putting in the read first. Please note that there is a fracture noted on the post reduction film.  …

XRay Vision: Put Your Hands in the Air

27 year old male presents to Janus General Hospital (where Drs. Grock and Freedman also happen to work) s/p left shoulder injury. The patient says he was playing basketball when the incident occurred. He states that he has been unable…

XRay Vision: Belly Pain Answer

Great job, Drs. Liang and Reisman. But the winner is…. Dr. Liang for providing a more thorough reading. The CXR is read as pneumoperitoneum/free air under the diaphragm.   Differential diagnoses: perforated viscus – perforated duodenal ulcer, perforated peptic ulcer,…

Disaster Continues

For Adult Journal Club this coming week, I’ll be discussing allocating scarce resources during disasters. Please read the following article and be ready for discussion.  

MVC: Answer

here’s another image of the portable xray. Case: 30 year old female restrained driver BIBEMS after her vehicle collided with a pole at a high speed. The official read of the portable pelvis film: “dislocation of both femoral heads and…

Xray Vision: MVC

30 year- old restrained driver BIBEMS s/p collision with a pole. See image below. Please provide a complete read. How would you manage the patient?      

Ankle problems: Answer

Here’s the xray again.   Patient’s fracture was read as an ankle fracture-dislocation. Posterior dislocation of talus and tibiotalar articulation. Comminuted fractures in distal fibula, posterior malleolus and medial mallelous. Orthopedics was consulted. Several reduction attempts were made by ortho,…