Author: Kylie Birnbaum

Dr. Birnbaum is an EM resident at Kings County Hospital / SUNY Downstate.

Can’t see, can’t read, can’t be bored – Review

Serena Williams strolls into your ED complaining of right eye pain for 2 days. She tells you that her right eye started hurting 2 day ago, after a tennis ball hit her face while practicing to dominate the US Open and win…

Home Improvement’s Toxic and Never Bored, Review

Another busy day in the pediatric ED and Tim ‘The Tool-man’ Taylor brings in his 6yo boy who was complaining of abdominal and flank pain after drinking something in dad’s car garage. The boy said he “drank some of dad’s green garage…

Pirate Baby’s Never Bored Review

It’s a busy weekday shift in the Peds ED on Jolly Roger Island. A captain brings in his 11 day old newborn scallywag, concerned about her left eye being ‘swollen, crusty, and oozing pus.’ He notes that she cries anytime he…

Dazed & Confused & Bored Review

It’s a typical busy Saturday night in the main ER, with your alcoholics and K2-smokers causing a ruckus, when you pick up a 32yo woman brought in by her friend for ‘acting strange.’ You think maybe she joined the K2-bandwagon…

Bitten But not Bored. Review

23 year old dude was walking in his neighborhood, listening to the latest Pitbull jam, when a domesticated unleashed dog attacks him. Vitals are normal. Musical taste is questionable. He has a few abrasions and small lacerations on his lower leg,…