Author: Richard.Shin

Adult Journal Club 4.23.2014

Dr. Shibata is going to present the Journal Club this Wednesday 4.23.14   It is a going to be a Case Control Study regarding bloodstream infections.   Attached is the article, Please read ahead of time in order to facilitate…

Journal Club: Droperidol vs Haloperidol

Next week on 3/26/2014 we are reviewing the following article in Journal Club. Comparison of Droperidol and Haloperidol for Use by Paramedics: Assessment of Safety and Effectiveness. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2014 Jan 24. [Epub ahead of print]   Click on the link below…

Just another COPD exacerbation or a PE?

The article for this module’s Journal Club is “Prevalence of pulmonary embolism in acute exacerbations of COPD: a systematic review and metaanalysis” This article is password protected. Please feel free to comment on this article. Journal Club is scheduled for…

ICU Critical Care: Thyroid Storm

So in this week’s ICU conference EMS calls in for a notification that there is a 55 yo woman comes in who has a HR of 173, BP 140/91, RR 22, PO2 99% T of 100.1 with multiple AICD discharges.…

Wednesday Wrap-Up: Pediatric DKA 4/4/2012

Pediatric Conference 4/4/12 Follow Up: DKA Management Clinical Pearls   DKA in Pediatrics: DKA occurs when there is a disruption in the balance between insulin and counter-regulatory hormones secondary to a deficiency in circulating insulin. The resulting state is hyperglycemia,…