Author: sadia.hussain

A Critical Care Frequent Flyer: Stroke

We discussed an informative and interesting review article on stroke management in October’s Critical Care Minifellowship meeting. This article highlights some important points (that shed light on how complicated the brain truly is) and touches upon some interesting neurological…

Congeal your knowledge on Thromboelastography… Read on!

Hemorrhage is one of the leading causes of mortality in trauma patients: responsible for approximately 30-40% of deaths overall and 50% of deaths within the first 24-hours post-trauma. Wow. That’s a great deal. So let them have blood? Well… not…

Blunt Cardiac Injury


“The heart was made to be broken.” ― Oscar Wilde Blunt thoracic trauma accounts for 25% of all traumatic fatalities. Blunt Cardiac Injury (BCI) has been quoted to be present in up to 76% of blunt thoracic trauma patients.  BCI…