Author: sbogoch

12/30/14:Happy New Year from Bored Review!

A 27-year-old female is brought to the emergency department in the wee hours of January 1st 2015. She was found by a bystander in her skimpy New Years dress confused, laying on the lawn of a stranger’s home. She is…

12/9/14 Too busy to be bored: Board Review

A 19-year-old motorcyclist is brought in by EMS after losing control of his bike and flying through the air, only to strike a pole with his extended and abducted arm. The helmeted patient, immobilized, is awake, alert and oriented. He…

EM-CCM: weakness and shortness of breath.

11/19/14 EM-CCM Summary: Neuromuscular disease and hypoventilation. Presenter: Dana Muhlfelder Summary: Sally Bogoch THE CASE: In a fictitious urban hospital a 28-year-old female, no pmhx, recently dx with “asthma”, presents with exertional shortness of breath for three months and an…

I’m Bored: Review 11/25/14

During your snotty/barfy/whiny evening shift at a made-up-HIPPA-compliant hospital, an 11-month-old child is brought to the ED by his parents for excessive crying. The child spends his days at “Jerks-are-Us Daycare” while his parents are working for “the man.” The…

Bored review: 11/4/14- Back Pain

A 73-year-old female presents in Fast Track (of Andy’s stupid fictitious hospital) with one week of back pain, worse at night. The patient is independent with all ADLs. No recent injury, no fever. The patient does report decreased appetite. Exam…

Cardiac Tamponade

Cardiac Tamponade and Pericardiocentesis Summary by Dr. Kaycie Corburn Presented by Dr. Sally Bogoch The Case: 60 yo M PMH metastatic lung cancer, HTN, DM, former smoker presents to the ED with acute onset shortness of breath. Vitals in triage revealed…

Bored Review: 10/22/14- Not All Hot Joints Are Created Equal

A 76-year-old male with gout, osteoarthritis, diabetes, renal failure on dialysis, and CAD presents with right knee pain for 3 days. He is really mad that the knee pain has prevented him from walking to the coffee shop for the…

Bored Review 10/14/14: Feeling chesty.

What are the indications for surgical management of a hemothorax? answer

Immediate output of 1500ml of blood from chest tube OR 200mL output per hour x 4 hours. Ya hear?