Category: Boundless in Brooklyn

Pit Viper Envenomations

We did not had a good article to post to the WM blog this month.  However, I realized that I never posted Andrew Koping’s article on Pit Vipers from a little while back.  So, here that one is: Pitviper Coagulopathy…

Food Borne Illness

Food-borne illness is all too common.  Scott did a great job at our last WM meeting discussing the different types of food-borne illness and some of their treatments.  The PDF for the article he discussed can be found here: Treating…

Black Widow Spider Bites

At the last WM meeting, we discussed black widow spider bites.  Carl was kind enough to pull a great paper looking at the symptoms observed by a group that saw at 136 such envenomations.  The paper can be found here:…

Montauk Wilderness Medicine Trip

The wilderness medicine division had an awesome fishing and camping trip out to Montauk last week.  We went on a fluke fishing boat and caught a ton of fish.  Four were large enough that we could keep them and cook them…

Exercise Induced Hyponatremia

The Wilderness group once again got together over a few beers and talked about an interesting scenario.  The group was lead by Bonnie Brown and we spoke about exercise induced hyponatremia.  The article we spoke about can be found here: exercise_hyponatremia.…

Breakneck Ridge Hike

Everyone had a great time today hiking up breakneck ridge.  It is a “strenuous” hike, but all of us did it including 2 canines.  I am going to attach a few photos below so you can get an idea of…

The Management of Heat Related Illness

Last week Dr. Paulson discussed this excellent review that went over the manifestations, pathophysiology and treatment of heat related illness. This paper can be found by clicking here. The Evaluation and Management of Heat Injuries in the Emergency Department Dr.…

Anaphylaxis in the wilderness

This month’s wilderness medicine meeting took place in Brooklyn Heights and we talked about how to deal with anaphylaxis if it occurs in the out-back.  Julie Waldman did a nice job discussing the following paper: Anaphylaxis Wilderness Julie also put…