Category: Case of the Month

Case of the Month #9, Answer

  This month’s winner is the one and only ablumenberg, whose intimidatingly thorough answer frightened off all other contenders.   Recap Older lady, many medical problems, here for epigastric discomfort now with acute decompensation as evidenced by her tachycardia and diaphoresis…

Case of the Month #9, Presentation

A 58 year old woman with a long medical history – paroxysmal afib, not on anticoagulation, hyperthyroidism secondary to graves disease, and GERD who presents for the third ED visit in 1 month for epigastric pain. At her first visit, she improved…

Case of the Month #8, Answer

  Congratulations to this month’s winners. Prizes will go to both dzeccola and edenkim for their excellent answers.     Recap Oldish gentleman vomiting with epigastric/chest pain, low sat, decreased L side breath sounds, ill appearance. CXR shows a left sided…

Case of the Month #8, Presentation

  CC: A 60 yo Abe Simpson (father of homer) with a past medical history of htn and anxiety presents to your ED for severe epigastric abdominal pain…   HPI: While straining during a bowel movement earlier, the patient suddenly…

Case #7, Answer

  Case Recap: Old lady with hypotension, tachycardia and JVD… I think we all agree that this person is sick. Prior to pondering the wide differential do the Basics: 2 Large Bore IVs, O2 NC vs NRB, Monitor, assess airway…

Case of the Month #7, Presentation

    One of the golden girls (don’t worry, not Blanche) presents to your ER after a near syncopal episode. She reports generalized weakness, but denies all other complaints. VS (scary): HR 136, RR 25, BP 70/30. The pulse ox…

Case of the Month #6: Answer

Excellent responses from our residents. Winner of this month goes to SLiang for a more complete answer (and including the correct answer on the differential)! Congratulations. To review the case before proceeding, see here In short, young man with refractory seizures…