Category: Journal Club

Journal Club for 3/11

On March 11, our educator-in-chief Carl Alsup will present a meta-analysis by Al Deeb et al. on ultrasound in the ED diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema: Point-of-care Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema in Patients Presenting Wtih…

Journal Club for 2/11

  On February 11th, we will be presenting a thorough analysis of the following New England Journal of Medicine paper: Ultrasonography versus Computed Tomography for Suspected Nephrolithiasis by R. Smith-Bindman, et al. Click here for the article   Possible questions to…

Journal Club

Dear ED, On November 12, Eli Brown will be giving Journal Club on this paper: Failed Validation of the Quebec shoulder dislocation rule for young adult patients in an Australian emergency department.  Ong et al., CJEM 2011; 13(3): 150-154. The…

Journal Club

Dear Kings County, Kaycie Corburn will be presenting a retrospective observational study comparing success — first-pass and overall — between direct laryngoscopy and Glidescope-assisted intubations in an academic Arizona ED:   “Tracheal intubation in the emergency department: a comparison of…

Our Next Lovely Journal Club

Hello Hard-Working Residents, On behalf of Dr. Richardson, Dr. Mehta, and Dr. Aluisio, I am happy to provide the next Journal Club Article – a prospective RCT of epinephrine versus no epinephrine in patients that received ACLS. Will it change…

Disaster Continues

For Adult Journal Club this coming week, I’ll be discussing allocating scarce resources during disasters. Please read the following article and be ready for discussion.  

6/25 Adult Journal Club

Which neutropenic patients are sick? Or sick-est? During the heme/onc module, Dr Reisman will dissect the following paper: neturo cohort   Let’s discuss pre-conference:  Is this applicable to your practice?  What are the limitations?  Will this change what you do tomorrow?

Adult Journal Club 4.23.2014

Dr. Shibata is going to present the Journal Club this Wednesday 4.23.14   It is a going to be a Case Control Study regarding bloodstream infections.   Attached is the article, Please read ahead of time in order to facilitate…