Category: Journal Club

Journal Club: Droperidol vs Haloperidol

Next week on 3/26/2014 we are reviewing the following article in Journal Club. Comparison of Droperidol and Haloperidol for Use by Paramedics: Assessment of Safety and Effectiveness. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2014 Jan 24. [Epub ahead of print]   Click on the link below…

How much blood is too much?

On 2/19, we’ll discuss the recent NEJM publication on transfusion strategies in upper GI bleeds.  Their results may surprise you.  Can they be extrapolated to other bleeders? Read, enjoy, and post.

Another “worst headache of my life”?

In the evaluation of SAH in the ED, does everyone with a negative head CT require subsequent LP? On 1/29/14!, we’ll review Perry’s study in BMJ on CT performed within 6 hours of headache onset. Practice-changing?  Peruse and decide. Enjoy!…

Is CXR the “B” of ABCs?

No, it’s not.  But some trauma consultants may feel that way. This month’s journal club will feature the NEXUS Chest criteria for blunt thoracic trauma.  Is CXR and/or CT Chest always indicated in the blunt trauma patient?  Is there a…

Just another COPD exacerbation or a PE?

The article for this module’s Journal Club is “Prevalence of pulmonary embolism in acute exacerbations of COPD: a systematic review and metaanalysis” This article is password protected. Please feel free to comment on this article. Journal Club is scheduled for…

Journal Club: June 2013

Welcome to a new feature on TOKC! In preparation for each Journal Club during Wednesday Conference, we will post the article in advance on TOKC so residents and faculty may read and post comments and discussion points before we meet…