Category: Morning Report

Morning Report: 5/1/2014

Thanks to Dr. Nordstrom for today’s Morning Report!   The Case: A 45 y.o female presents to the ED with a chief complaint of leg pain. She says the rash started 1 week ago and is located on both of…

Morning Report: 4/24/2014

Here’s Dr. Shin with today’s Morning Report!   Burr Hole Craniostomy Mark H Wilson, David Wise, Gareth Davies and David Lockey. “Emergency burr holes: “How to do it” “Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012; 20: 24. 1) Ensure indications…

Morning Report: 4/17/2014

Thanks to Dr. McMillan for today’s Morning Report!   Here’s the Case: 21 year-old recently postpartum female presents with chief complaint of diffuse, red rash started shortly before calling EMS. Paramedic notes that she looks like anaphylaxis, but he didn’t…

Morning Report: 4/11/2014

Thanks to Dr. Ozaki for today’s Morning Report!   Burns   Classification of burns:   Appearance Surface Sensation Time to healing First Degree Pink or red Dry Painful Days Second Degree Pink, clear blisters Moist Painful 14-21 days Deep Second…

Morning Report: 4/10/2014

Here’s Dr. Freedman with today’s Morning Report!   Delta Force  An approach to the possibly complicated metabolic acidosis   1st What’s primary? Compensation is alright, but its never enough Ph? What’s the respiratory system doing? 2nd Gapped or non-gapped? Normal…

Morning Report: 4/8/2014

Welcome back to Morning Report! Today’s edition is presented by Dr. Alsup!   Mammal bites   Cat bites Deep puncture wounds, difficult to irrigate 10-40% rate of infections Staph, step and pasteurella multocida P. multocida, a highly virulent, facultatively anaerobic,…

Morning Report: 3/25/2014

Thanks to Dr. Ting for today’s Morning Report!   Chronic SCI   Complications of chronic SCI –      DVT/PE –      Decubitus ulcers –      Pneumonia (even down to thoracic levels although only C3-5 controls the diaphragm due to impaired cough reflex) –     …