Category: Morning Report

Morning Report: 1/30/2014

Dr. Freedman is back again with another Morning Report!     To “P” or not to “P”   Ddx for a regular, fast, narrow (or not) rhythm? ST AVNRT AVRT AVRT A Flutter A Tach +/- Abberancy   What’s the…

Morning Report: 1/28/2014

Thanks to Dr. Basile for today’s Morning Report!   New Approach to the Digital Block   Traditional digital nerve block: –        two injections where you hit all four digital nerves with injections on both sides of the finger at MCP…

Morning Report: 1/17/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Alsup!   Unstable Cervical Spine Fractures “If thou examinest a man having a dislocation in a vertebra of his neck, shouldst thou find him unconscious of his two arms and his two legs…

Morning Report: 1/16/2014

Thanks to Dr. Freedman for today’s Morning Report!   Fascicular Block (Hemiblock)   Definition:  Conduction delay in of the main divisions of the left bundle, either anterior or posterior   LAFB Criteria: Dominant R waves in I, aVL Dominant S…

Morning Report: 1/14/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Aldokhi!   AKA versus DKA AKA DKA –        Alcoholic –        Underlying disease –        Missed Etoh –        Diabetic –        Underlying disease –        Missed insulin Nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain Nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain…

Morning Report: 1/9/2014

Thanks to Dr. Bradby for today’s Morning Report!   Emergency Severity Index What is it? –       A tool for Emergency Department Triage developed in 1999 by Dr. Richard Wuerz and Dr. David Eitel Goal: to prioritize patients based on urgency…

Morning Report: 1/3/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case: 47 y.o male with history of EtOH abuse, presents with vomiting. VS: 97/52, HR 123 RR 24, Os Sat 98%. On exam the patient has a mildly distended abdomen with multiple…