Category: Morning Report

Morning Report: 11/25/2014

Dr. Freedman is back with Part 2 of his Morning Report! Part 2:   Quick Case: A 32 year-old gentleman, with no past medical history, presents with “I can’t move my legs.”   Serum potassium = 1.4mmol/L.   Diagnosis: Hypokalemic Periodic…

Morning Report: 11/21/2014

Thanks to Dr. Freedman for today’s Morning Report! Part 1:   ECG Findings of Hypokalemia   First some definitions: Mild: K < 3.5 mmol/L Moderate: K < 3.0 Severe: K < 2.5   ECG Changes: Typically appear at ~2.7 Increased…

Morning Report: 11/20/2014

Dr. Grock presents today’s Morning Report!   The Case: 65 M h/o HTN, CHF w/ EF 25% with AICD presents s/p 3 shocks. Appears well. ECG: LBBB unchanged without any other scariness.   What do you do? (IV/O2,Cards for device interrogation, Check lytes…

Morning Report: 11/11/2014

Thanks to Dr. Muhlfelder for today’s Morning Report!   Inhalant Injuries   Initial Mgmt: ABCs, IV, oxygen supplementation, monitor   Exam: bronchospasm, airway edema, nares +/- thermal injury initial eval of airway is not good predictor of progressing edema/compromise, progresses…

Morning Report: 11/7/2014

Here’s Dr. Aldokhi with today’s Morning Report!   AG Acidosis Case 1 HX 29 YOM no PMH , sent from CPEP for abnormal labs, patient has unspecified psychosis, no etoh, no drugs Px Vitals normal, dry MM, flat affect rest…

Morning Report: 11/4/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Corburn!   Following blunt facial trauma, a 35 year old patient is noted to have marked proptosis, restricted ocular movement, and decreased visual acuity of the left eye. What is the recommended temporizing…

Morning Report: 10/31/2014

Here’s Dr. Ammon with a great Halloween edition of Morning Report!   DELIRIUM TREMENS Most severe form of alcohol withdrawl manifested by AMS (global confusion) and sympathetic overdrive (autonomic hyperactivity).   CHRONIC ETOH -> CNS DEPESSANT -> ETOH-GABA -> inhibitory…