Category: Morning Report

Morning Report: 10/30/2014

Thanks to Dr. Grock for presenting today’s Morning Report!   The Sign Out 45 yo M h/o AIDS (CD4=8, not on HAART) presents with voluminous non-bloody diarrhea x 3 days and near syncope/light-headedness today. No recent travel/antibiotics. He reports trying to…

Morning Report: 10/24/2014

Thanks to Dr. Kincade for presenting today’s Morning Report!   Esophageal Varices Esophageal varices are dilated veins within the wall of the esophagus, usually at the distal end   Epidemiology -50% of patients with cirrhosis; 25% to 35% variceal rupture…

Morning Report: 10/23/2014

Here’s Dr. Alsup with today’s Morning Report!   Eye Infections   Orbital septum -Connective tissue extension of the orbital periosteum -Extends into the upper and lower eyelids   Periorbital / Preseptal Average age: 2 yo Result of local trauma, including…

Morning Report: 10/16/2014

Thanks to Dr. Gomes for another Morning Report!   Beta-blocker Toxicity   Receptors Beta 1- primarily in heart muscle. Activation –> increases HR, contractility and AV conduction. Decreased AV node refractoriness. Beta 2- primarily in bronchial and peripheral vascular smooth…

Morning Report: 10/14/2014

Here’s Dr. Aluisio with today’s Morning Report!     Medical Therapies for Stable Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Risk, Benefit and Equivocality   Epidemiology • Incidence: 40-150 per 100,000 per annum, with 450,000 hospitalizations in the USA • Causes: peptic ulcer (~45%);…

Morning Report: 10/10/2014

Today’s Morning Report is presented by Dr. Adal!   Shoulder dislocation   The most common joint dislocation (approximately 50% of all joints) Mechanism Presentation Associated injuries Anterior Indirect blow with arm in abduction, extension, and external rotation Arm is held…