Category: Policy Monster

ACA…ACO…Please Explain!?

  Brought to you by Dr. Sukhi Bains. A review of: McClellan M et al. (2014). Accountable Care Around The World: A Framework To Guide Reform Strategies. Health Affairs; 33(9): 1507-1515   We had another great Journal Club at the last…

ED Tracking: It Sounds So Simple, Doesn’t It?

By Yonatan Yohannes   In July’s edition of ACEP Now, an article titled “Seven Best Practices to Reduce ED Misuse” discusses policies implemented in Washington State to reduce the overall cost of Emergency Department care. These policies were pioneered by…

Potential Danger in “Safe Harbors”

By Dr. Brenda Oiyemhonlan   The last Health Policy Mini-Fellowship meeting discussed “safe harbors”, which can be defined as a set of clinical guidelines that define negligence and appropriate care in the ED. While safe harbors can protect ER docs…

Updates to the ACA for You Policy Wonks! 8/4/14

I’m sure you all read the Affordable Care Act (ACA) when it came out…(if not, click here for the 906 page handout), and have been anxiously awaiting some data on how it has been doing. Well last month the Health…

6/27/14 First Ever Health Policy Blog!

Hello and welcome to the first installment of the Health Policy Mini-Fellowship blog. In May Hannah, Brenda and Dr. Foley helped lead the journal club discussion at the ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference (LAC) in Washington, DC. We presented an…