Category: Rhythm Nation

Rhythm Nation March 2015 – Answer!

Rhythm Nation March 2015 – Answer!   Congratulations to VTACHomas for being first! Excellent discussion from JFreedman and Eschnitz. This is a complicated ECG! Let’s first look at the option of ventricular bigeminy. Ventricular bigeminy has recurring premature ventricular contractions…

Rhythm Nation March 2015

26 yo M pmh multiple episodes of syncope as child p/w anxiety symptoms for months. No meds or illicits. His father died at age 39. He has the following dysrhythmia:     Questions: What is this rhythm? What is your…

Rhythm Nation February 2015

50 yo F pmh ESRD, CHF presents with one day of “feeling bad.” HR 170s, received adenosine for suspected AVNRT and the rate “broke” into this ECG seen below:     Your only question… what could this rhythm be, and…

Rhythm Nation January 2015 Answer!

  Congratulations to both responders who weren’t fooled for a second! This month’s winner is Dr. Nico Grundmann with honorable mention to Dr. Brenda Oiyemhonlan!   Onto the ECG A bifascicular block with a possible (i.e. incomplete) underlying trifascicular block.…

Rhythm Nation January 2015

Happy New Year to All! Now, back to business… A 71 year-old male with past medical history of CAD and CHF (last known EF 10%) is sent by his PMD for progressive shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, and lower…

Rhythm Nation December 2014 – Answer!

This is a tough one and congratulations to the thorough responders. This month’s winner – Dr. Nico Grundmann! To start, TCA ingestion is the most common cause of Na-channel toxicity that we see in ECGs – but this patient was…

Rhythm Nation December 2014

47 year-old female with past medical history of depression and supraventricular tachycardia, brought in by EMS with altered mental status and found with empty pill bottles nearby.   What is the interpretation of this ECG?   What likely happened to this…