Category: Rhythm Nation

Rhythm Nation: Case 6 Answer

History: 76 year old M with HTN, DM, HLD, Dementia BIBEMS via NH due to complaint of questionable syncope and possibly chest pain (poor historian even through speaking on Cyracom with him – ie Q: Have you ever had any…

Rhythm Nation: Case 5

    This 18yo F presented with one episode of chest pain which lasted a 2-3 minutes, was left sided, sharp and 8/10.  Vitals in the ED were BP 112/71 HR 106, RR 18, T98.9.  The above EKG was obtained…

Case 4 – Answer

First of all thanks to those of you who interpreted this EKG.  It’s a difficult one to begin with and to do it without a history is even harder. So lets fill in some of the blanks about this patient’s…

Rhythm Nation EKG #3 – October

You’re working one night in UHB and you see this patient roll into the resus bay.    Its a woman in her 60s with a history of scleroderma who’s chief complaint is shortness of breath.  The tech hands you the…

Rhythm Nation: Case 1 Solution

Here’s the answer to our last EKG! The major finding in this EKG is the abnormal rhythm.  Looking at the rhythm strip (II) the patient starts out in sinus rhythm.  Then after the 4th QRS we start to see additional…