Category: US VS THEM

PE or not PE, that is the question…

Written by Randi Ozaki             …and probably one of the more annoying clinical questions that we’re faced with in the ED. PERC (pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria), D-dimer and Well’s criteria have been discussed ad nauseam,…

Right on Target: A Petite Peds Post

Written by Dr. Michelle DiMare Welcome back! This month’s post is brought to you by my sudden increase in peds shifts and everyone’s favorite chief complaint: vomiting. While ultrasounding a tiny, crying, puking, squirmy patient can often seem like a…

More Ultrasound, Less Cowbell

 By Dr. Michelle DiMare These days, the Pediatric ED is frequently filled with the cutest, most snot filled kids you’ve ever seen. With most of them reporting some degree of cough and fever, pneumonia is frequently considered on our differential…

US vs the RUQ

  By Dr. Michelle DiMare   Welcome back and Happy New Year!   While the gallbladder itself and the majority of its pathology are usually considered easily identifiable on basic bedside ultrasound, finding the common bile duct often earns top…

US VS THEM: An Uncommon Finding in a Common Dx

Well that was unexpected…   By Dr. Michelle DiMare     Welcome back! This month’s post explores a common diagnosis with an uncommon complication. Or is it more common than we think??   In a fictional hospital nearby, a healthy…

Concerned for Ectopic? Then US the RUQ.

Brought to you by Dr. Michelle DiMare   Also titled: US vs H&P   Welcome to yet another exciting installment of our awesome ultrasound blog! For this post, “Name that Tune” rules apply and I challenge you to “name that…

US and Ortho? 7/29/14

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this month’s Ultrasound of the Month and my first official blog post! Here’s the clip:         A 45 year old man presented to UHB fast track with a chief complaint of right…