Category: Wednesday Wrap-up

Wed Wrap Up for 9/10/14

Clinical Monster @kingsofcounty ·  Dr. Andrea Ferrari lecturing about sick kids. #clinicalmonster #emconf Clinical Monster @kingsofcounty ·  What to do with an ALTE baby?…….always admit for observation.  #clinicalmonster #emconf Clinical Monster @kingsofcounty ·  Intussusception re-occurs 7-12% post reduction. Perhaps best to observe? How long? ……

Wed Wrap-Up for 9/4/14

For those of you not there, you missed a doozy today.  Besides some board review and M&M, we had a great senior lecture by Dr. Sadia Hussain, a EM-CCM lecture by Dr. Elizabeth Abram (the summary of which will be…