Category: Wednesday Wrap-up

6/25/14 Wednesday Wrap Up!!

Today we had a wonderful conference. Thanks to our resident and attending lecturers as well as extra-special thanks our guest lecturers, Dr. Gillette and Dr. Duroseau!   Dr. Reisman’s Journal Club lecture, Summary by Dr. Reisman Retrospective study of patients admitted…

6/18/14 Wednesday Wrap Up

Brought to by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Dr. Moran’s Lecture Pt presents with mid-dilated non-reactive pupil.  He has?       Dr. Nguyen’s Lecture Case presentation for irregularly irregular tachycardia at a rate of 150. Diagnosis: atrial…

Wed Wrap Up 6/11/14

Brought to you by Dr. Andrew Grock and Dr. Carl Alsup Special Thanks to our Grand Rounds Speaker, Dr. Christopher Doty.   Peds Case Conference, by Dr. Francis Youn Neutropenic Fever – ANC = WBC (in thousands) cells/mcL * [(neutrophil…

Wednesday Wrap-up: 9/4/2013

Welcome back to another edition of Wednesday Wrap-up! We had some great conference topics today including Geriatric Trauma, Reversal of Anticoagulation, and Toxic Alcohols! The topic I wanted to talk more about was the approach to CAP which was raised…

Wednesday Wrap-up: EM Critical Care Conference June 2013

Thanks to Dr. Regan for putting together this summary of our last EM Critical Care conference!   The Case: Man found unresponsive underneath subway train with right hip dislocation, electrocution by third rail, multiple burns and rhabdomyolysis.   Electrical Injuries…

Wednesday Wrap-up: 3/27/2013

Great conference today! In case you missed Dr. Caputo’s senior lecture, go to the Lecture Series page and check it out on our vimeo site (you must know the secret password to view it). Just wanted to use this time…

Wednesday Wrap-up: ICU Conference

Thanks to Dr. Regan for preparing this edition of ICU Conference Wrap-up! The Case: Syncope and Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia   San Francisco Syncope Rule -CHESS (history of CHF, Hct<30%, EKG other than sinus or change from prior, c/o SOB, SBP<90)…

Wednesday Wrap-up: 2/6/2013

Welcome to this week’s edition of Wednesday Wrap-up! We had a great conference day including a great discussion on how to deal with anterior shoulder dislocations. Dr. Melton presented an EBM review of the literature comparing intra-articular lidocaine to procedural…